public health

Donkey Kicks This is the best exercise for a firm buttocks




However, a different study from China contends that taking regular naps can actually raise your risk of high blood pressure by 12%. However, the researchers here believe that the underlying factor that makes people so exhausted in the first place may be to blame for the adverse effect on health, not necessarily the naps themselves.

Fitness secret tip: Donkey Kicks for a shapely butt

Donkey kicks work the gluteus maximus, the largest gluteal muscle, as well as the gluteus medius, which is located above it, and the hamstrings, which are located at the back of the thighs. On all fours, you perform the “donkey kicks,” as they are known in German, which makes your arms and abdomen work as well. Additionally, they increase hip mobility, which is especially beneficial for those who spend a lot of time sitting down.

Step by step: How to practice the Donkey Kicks

  • You start the exercise on all fours. Make sure your hands are straight under your shoulders and your knees are straight under your hips. Your back and neck are straight.
  • Now activate your core and keep it active throughout the exercise to protect your lumbar spine.
  • Then lift your right leg first, keeping your knee bent at a 90-degree angle and your foot flexed.
  • Now, using your gluteal muscles, powerfully kick your foot upward – tensing your butt – and hold for a moment. Make sure your hips stay parallel and you don’t slip on one side.
  • Lower your knee back down to the floor, then kick up again.
  • Switch sides after a few repetitions. Practice the Donkey Kicks at least 20 times per side at the beginning and increase the number of repetitions with each workout.

Variation of the Donkey Kicks

You can also use a resistance band to increase the intensity of the exercise. Wrap the band around your thighs to make using the active leg for lifting and kicking extra harder.


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