If we wish to lose weight, a change in food and occasional activity are also essential. You may lose weight more easily by performing these 5 workouts!
You’ve already changed your food; all that’s left to do is find the best form of exercise to help you lose weight. The good news is that there are some strength training activities that can really help you start burning fat. The trick is to perform the exercises in quick, powerful bursts. This exercise program, sometimes referred to as HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), aids in both fat burning and muscle growth.
Exercises you can do with just your body weight are very useful and efficient. They are simple to perform at home and don’t require any special tools. Additionally, you can use the training to create your own fitness plan. The following holds true: You should perform more repetition sets at a faster pace as your fitness level improves.
5 exercises that will help you lose weight more easily
You want to start right away? Great! Here are the exercises for your future workout. You should do the workout at least two or three times a week to get the maximum effect.
1. jumping jack
It may seem strange, but the classic jumping jack—now frequently referred to as a jumping jack—is an incredibly effective full-body exercise. Arms, legs, the core, and the upper body can all profit. This is how to perform the workout properly:
- First, stand up straight with your feet together. Arms hang at the sides of the body.
- Now jump up, opening your legs so that you land with your legs wide apart. While jumping, bring your hands together above your head.
- Jump back to the starting position. Perform the movement dynamically and without stops – at least 20 times.
2. mountain climber
A fantastic exercise for the legs and buttocks is the mountain climber. However, a mountain climber must also have healthy abdominal muscles. The exercise operates as follows:
- Put your hands shoulder-width apart and tighten your torso and butt to assume the push-up position. Make sure your back is straight at all times.
- Now bend your right leg and bring it as close to your right elbow as you can.
- Put the leg back and make the same motion on the left side, parallel to it. All throughout, keep your hands firmly planted on the ground. 20 times on each side, repeat.
3. plank
With the forearm support, also known as plank, we train the abdomen, back, arms and buttocks. Unlike the other exercises, this one is static – so you get into the right position and hold it. Here’s how the plank works:
- Lie on the floor and prop yourself up on your forearms first. Your elbows should be under your shoulders.
- Then press up with your feet as well. Make sure your butt stays up and your body forms a straight line. Beginners should hold the position for about 15 seconds, advanced should hold for at least 20 seconds.
4. burpees
The stretch leap, push-up, and squat are just a few of the three exercises that make up a burpee, so you may effectively work every muscle group in your body. Burpees exercise the back, chest, arms, legs, buttocks, and abdomen. The right way to do the exercise is as follows:
- First, take a straight stance. Jump backwards with your feet to enter the push-up posture. Support your hands firmly on the floor while you do this.
- Do a push-up while ensuring that the body is aligned in a straight line. Rest your upper body for a moment.
- Pull yourself up off the floor by using your arms as a lever. Next, leap off the ground with your feet straight ahead while attempting to land in a squat stance as close to your hands as you can.
5. lunges
Especially the legs and buttocks are happy about lunges. Advanced users can additionally integrate dumbbells during the simple exercise. Here’s how it works:
- With your rear foot on your toes, take a strong stride backward while standing up straight. Both feet’s toes are pointing forward, maintaining a straight upper body.
- Keeping the upper body still, bend the back knee until it nearly touches the floor. Then, with control, lift yourself back up. Repeat on the opposite side. 20 times on each side, repeat.